Group Program
A Group Mentoring Program for Coaches

If you are interested to learn more about my program, sign up for a chat with me.

Deepen your coaching conversation
Refine your coaching skills, deepen your intuition and add a range of new mindset tools to your coaching toolbelt. Feel confident coaching on any topic, in your own unique style with confidence. This will help you help your clients create deeper results and embody new thoughts.

Step into your unique coach identity.
Deepen your self-understanding and self-knowing. Release the rules that are not serving you. Move towards a coaching style and business practices that resonate with you, so you can build a coaching practice you love. Feeling confident to doing it in your own UNIQUE WAY will help you attract your ideal clients.

Grow your coaching practice with integrity
Build your coaching practice in ways that align with your values and strengths. Explore the many ways to approach business so you can identify what works for you and show up more authentically in every facet of your business and have way more fun in business.

A Group Mentoring Program for Coaches
I created this 3 month program because it’s exactly what I wanted before I became a Master Coach. An accessible way to receive mentorship and build confidence in myself, so I could build a coaching practice that felt in integrity with my values. I wanted a safe container that held space for my human experience, whilst I increased my skills and knowledge in coaching and building a business. I wanted coaching from a masterful coach so I could learn from them, ask them questions and get nerdy about all things coaching.
That's why I created COACHED.
COACHED covers the A- Z of what a newly certified coach would love to know, to take their coaching deeper. It also offers learning and exploration for an experienced coach, who wants to help their clients embody new beliefs and facilitate transformation in ways that acknowledge safety and sustainability.
The program offers a community of like minded coaches who are invited to share their own wisdom, support and camaraderie.
I offer coaching, mentorship, teaching and feedback in the course. I offer my years of experience building a coaching practice from scratch.
This course is for coaches of all levels.
If you are a coach who loves coaching and deeply care about your clients, who thinks staying in integrity with their own values is important, who wants to expand their coaching conversations beyond their current tools, and build an ethical business, then this program could be for you.
Program will be announced. Sign up to get on my waiting list.

What's in the program?
The online coursework includes 5 modules that cover foundational coaching content, resources to clarify your coaching style and identity, my unique coaching tools, and resources to support the building all aspects of your coaching. Each module is jam packed with resources for you. Teaching videos, weekly worksheets and cheat sheets that are available to download and transcripts of all the lessons. There is enough content to uplevel your coaching, kickstart your coaching practice and embark on a deep personal inner journey to become a more confident coach.
Live weekly calls with Nicky Hammond (The Coach's Coach)
I offer group coaching calls, where you can be coached by me, or witness other coaches being coached. There are Coaching Lab Calls where you are invited to coach or get coached. I offer the coach feedback, identifying what the coach did amazingly well and exploring with the group ways to deepen or expand the coaching. There are always opportunities to bring questions to the calls and engage in deep conversations about coaching.
A Bonus Facebook Community
You get access to me and other amazing like-minded coaches to explore coaching topics, organise peer coaching, get feedback and cheer each other on. You can use this online community to ask questions, share your knowledge and discuss all things coaching. It is a safe space to learn, explore and contribute, no matter where you are in your coaching journey.
A bonus module "Introduction to Business with Integrity"
I offer you my unique perspective on the reality of business. There are resources to help you build a successful coaching business, in your own unique way. It includes lessons on business strategy (pricing, consult call, copy writing), ethics in coaching and it includes mindset work.
Another bonus module “Content Creation”
You have access to resources to help you develop your own worksheets, programs, tools and concepts.
This 3 month program will help you deepen your coaching, step into your unique coach identity and feel more confident growing your coaching practice with integrity.
Each round of my program I offer two full scholarships. The Scholarships for the February 2023 round have been awarded.
The number of spaces in the program is limited.
Get my Powerful Questions Cheat Sheet.
This is one of my most popular Cheat Sheets from my 3 month group program Coached, A Group Mentoring Program for Coaches.
One of the ways we help our clients is by asking questions. Powerful questions. I love them and I want to give you some questions to use with your clients, so you can help them create more of what they desire.
One of the ways you can deepen your coaching conversations is with the questions you ask. By using powerful questions it's possible to help your clients know themselves better, release the thoughts that no longer serve them and embody new thinking.
Questions are the essence of coaching.
Get your Powerful Questions Cheat Sheet. It’s free 💖

You are invited
I would love to see you in COACHED, A Group Mentoring Program for Coaches
I created this program for passionate coaches who want to dive deeper into the artform of coaching. I want to offer a way that suits them – without the rules, with the freedom to enjoy the process in a judgment free zone, where you can safely unravel to find confidence to practice new skills and do it YOUR WAY.
If you want to take your coaching to the next level, if you want to do some deep transformative work around your identity as a coach, and get some guidance on how to build a coaching business that you love, AND make money… this is the course for you.
I hope that you will join me ❤️
Feel free to email me for more details [email protected]